Finally the wait is over. I love this game.
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will this also be 9.99 in your guys opinion? Was it cuz ff7 was multi disc is why it was more expensive or just because sony knows they can get away with the higher price point than other psone games?
it should be ten bucks. anything higher wud be a ripoff IMO seeing as the ff7 and i beleive ff tactics were both $10 each
I bought FFVII on the PSN because it is a must have and one of my favorites ever. I'm skipping VIII because I played it a few years ago, got to within an hour or 2 of the end and then my data corrupted so had to start over. Tried again earlier this year but stopped playing it.
This means IX will come out somtime in 2010.. That't what I'm waiting for; I never really played it and it will be like playing a new game!
Plus, I just bought FFX for PS2 today so I've got my FF fix!
xenogearsMethodManFTWOh hell yes, that as well. I'm gonna love hearing the cry of agony that comes from the Ebay and amazon people who charge an arm and a leg for those games when they realize they are available as a quick download for ten bucks. I will literally be drawing exquisite pleasure from listening to the death of their souls.
I'd rather get the harder to find, and much more obscenely expensive, Vagrant Story. FF VIII is an excellent addition to the store though. Maybe we can get both before the year is over? That would be a hell of a Christmas gift.thunderf00tjust wish i had more money as a kid Vagrant Story is one of the many games i traded in as funds used to be limited.
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