Basically, it says that they were holding the official SE communique stating the announcement of a FFVII's remake for the PS3 exclusively.
Original text:
"LE CHOC! A quelques heures du bouclage, voilà que tombe entre mes mains un communiqué officiel de SE indiquant le "remake du tres apprécié FF VII sur Ps3, uniquement". Alors que Sony se faisait du mauvais sang avec toutes ces exclusivités qui lui passent sous le nez, voila qu'une annonce vient flatter son catalogue. SE n'en finit pas de surprendre puisque, rappellons-le, depuis la demo technologique de FF VII pour annopncer l'arrivée de la PS3, rien n'avait filtré. (...) Une démo devrait etre présentée à la prochaine SquareEnix Party."
"THE SHOCK! At a few hours of looping, here are that fall between my hands an official official statement from SE indicating the "remake from very appreciated FF VII on Ps3, only". Whereas Sony was made bad blood with all these exclusivenesses which pass to him under the nose, veiled that an advertisement comes to flatter its catalogue. SE does not finish any surprising since, rappellons it, since the technological demo of FF VII for annopncer the arrival of the PS3, nothing had not filtered (...) a demonstration should be presented at next SquareEnix Party."
This is coming from a a highly respectable magazine as the source.
If this is true, I'm certainly getting it. I still have the origianl FF VII and love it.
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