I dont know,, ive played it for a couple days and its just not sucking me in. The gameplay (ground combat) is pretty basic and kind of a letdown. Just ppl jumping around swatting knifes.Seems very random. Obviously im getting my ass handing to me,, but even so its just not living up the expectations a lot of people gave it
Any tips?
(btw, i blew donkey balls at first on COD4 and still ended up loving it)
dont give up, thats everyones first few days, i got the game at launch and that was cool, cuz everyone was getting used to it, didnt play it for 4-5 months cuz of other games (like cod4, mgs4, gta4 etc) and i went back and was so lost, people were owning me.
What helped me get back into was the Hero game, cause this game atleast to me, seemed sort of beginner friendly, in the sense that when you're the hero, you get all the weapons, have a lot more health, and do a bit more damage, it only lasts about a minute, so you can fly around kill people then just land in their base and go nuts. Having all the weapons is a bonus.
I suggest only playing on the official sony (blue) rookie servers if you want to play ranked matches, or just find a server, theres usually a bunch of "**BEGINNER ONLY**" named servers, those are pretty good. All it is, is just getting used to the controls, finding out where all or most of the weapons spawn, finding a weapon your comfortable with, knowing when to and how to use each vehicle, and learning to exploit the downside of certain vehicles and weapons (turrets against planes, rocket launchers against jet-packers etc). And all of that comes with time.
I've played a lot recently and I still find new and easier ways to do things. And I also thought that the ground combat seemed pretty lame at first when I bought the game, but once you get into it the combat is so much fun.
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