Like it says above I decided to goget my PS3 today and let me tell you. I really love it. Playing Resistance Fall of Man reminded me of playing Gears of War on the 360. Yes I am a PS360 Fanboy lol j/k I love both consoles. The only thing,may sound stupid but I'm not a tech guy, is when I turn my console off the red light is on. I read that it is in standby mode. Can someone explain to me about this. Is it still running electricity or what? Need to know but my PSN ID is RelentlessX if you wanna add me so I can chill with some cool peeps online playing RFOM (only game I got right now). The coolest thingwas that I traded in some old games and controllers and it cost me only $522 for the system, RFOM and Uncharted. Just to show how much I saved. see yall soon online if I can get a mic that is...
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