Demon's Souls would be more impressive in my opinion. You're just chatting it up with friends. "What was your first Platinum?" "Oh, inFamous! It was kinda hard in spots, but I got it." "What about you?" "Resident Evil 5! Yeah, it had a few tricky spots." "How about you?" "Demon's Souls."
"Dude, you know there are easier games, right?" :P
It's my first platinum, too. But it's not hard at all. It was pretty easy for me.
Now, TC, I have not played Demon's Souls, but I think GOW3 platinum is quite easy. Anyway, it's your decision.
That Hakoom guy (most Plats in the world) Platinumed it the day it came out (aka YESTERDAY). :|
It makes me wonder if he even takes the time to enjoy the games he plays.
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