Let me begin by saying I had the original Xbox pre-ordered, spent the majority of my time last generation on my Xbox while the PS2 collected dust, and have only had the Xbox 360 since release.
Let me say now that as a lover of video games in general, I seriously have hurt my experiance over the past 2 years by turning to the subpar xbox games instead of just swallowing my pride and buying a PS3. I had been hoping and praying for a 360 release of MGS4 and when the Touch teaser showed up, my spirits reached a new height...only to come crashing down with the announcement that it was indeed not coming to the 360, but the iPhone. This is what drove me to buy a PS3, and I couldn't be happier, because with my beautiful copy of MGS4 I bought LBP, Resistance 1 and 2, Uncharted, and Warhawk.
In my opinion, Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game ever made. Ever. It speaks volumes of the PS3's technical capabities and quite frankly, I don't think it would be as great if it was released for the 360, although this is not the topic of this post. I've played through and have been enjoying the above games for the past few months and I am blown away by how ignorant my past self once was. The PSN absolutely needs work, but I must say I think it was the best purchase I have made gaming-wise...in 20+ years of playing games.
I still love my xbox, and I love my PS3. No longer am I a fanboy, but an incredibly satisfied gamer. I look to the future of gaming in general, and it is good.
PS3 fans, I salute you.
EDIT: And by future I mean: Killzone 2. *$#%ing awesome. That is all.
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