Most of everyone with a HD-TV can use RGB full range color but does it really make the graphics look better I experimented a little bit. First I have a 42 inch HD LCD 1080p TV it has a game mode on it you go into menu and switch to game mode. While on this game mode it darkness it a bit from standard mode, so I play the newest game uncharted drake the demo which has a lot of lush and beautiful textures and visual display and it looks outright amazing. Now I switch to RGB full mode on game mode and it looks darker rather dark but I can see the difference as it makes things stand out more like the sun was a lot brighter on RGB full color but things where also darker.
So I turned the brightness up to 55 from 50 and it looked a lot better and it looked vibrant but from either one it looked the same to me I didn't see any difference between the two they both have different styles but all in all they look the same you guys tell me do you see a big difference and what do you prefer I actually liked game mode on while using limited although full RGB gave a different looking style and it was cool but I like seeing more luscious brighter colors and that's what limited gave me.
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