I've already read the stickys but was wondering if someone has other reommendations? I'm a rpg kind of guy. Also likes fighting and racing games. I just bought my psp and not sure what games to get besides burnout legend, FF tactics, Crisis core and tekken.
Ive played quite some titles for the PSP now and i'l like to recommend some really decent games which I find appealing. Wipeout Pulse is really cool-looking and ( in my opinion ) much better than Burnout Dominator. Um, Monster Hunter 2 Freedom is kinda nice as well if u like open-ended games and character development ( btw, there's no solid storyline in MH2 ). Oh yeah, Lumines rock as well ( Its an addictive tetris-like game ):D If ur into hack-n-slash, i'l recommend Dungeon Siege ToA but u'l have to tolerate the lousy loading times. Or u can try warhammer 40000 squad command for a satisfying but short fix. But so far , the one game i find most recommendable is Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow ( Best FPS for the PSP in my opinion ). Btw, get Flow, its an interesting game i find very amusing xD
Sorry, but i'l like to add something more. Get GoW, pronto. Its gotta be one of the best games in the PSP ( u said u liked action right? xD ). Also, consider NOT getting FF tactics. The graphics are abit too old and plain to be attractive ( u'l want to thrash that game after getting SFLS, GoW n Crisis Core ) Trust me. :)
well for fighting games i recommend street fighter aplha 3 max and darkstalkers they are both oldschool and fun, for rpgs i only have FF tacticts and it definately owns man, don't listen to that guy, perhaps check out jeand'd arc and dissidia but i don't have those so i'm not sure.
I dont know bout Dissidia but if its SRPG ur looking, consider either Jeanne D'Arc or Disgaea : AoD. For me, its Disgaea all the way. Btw, the graphics in Disgaea are alot more refined than in FF Tactics. :D But if ur looking for depth then its FF Tactics. Either way, the characters in Disgaea are more detailed than their FF counterparts, and the terrain is much more smoother, not chipped. FF is undeniably good as well but it pales in comparison to Disgaea. 8)
If you feel like checking out a puzzler with RPG elements, don't hesitate to find Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords. I picked it up yesterday and I can't believe how addicting and fun the game is. Cheap too!
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