Here's the quote, at this point they are talking about Microsoft:
"...with business practices that emphasize crushing the competition rather than building quality software, Microsoft has placed itself in a position that has spurred on the most important development of gaming since the turn of the millennium: they've helped contribute to the meltdown of Sony. Let's face it, aside from Nintendo, no game console maker has ever survived more than two generations. Sega's gone, Atari crashed long ago, Mattel went nowhere with Intellivision, SNK no longer builds Neo Geos, 3DO was dead on arrival, Apple never went anywhere with the Pippin, Phillips blew itself up with the CD-I, and Magnavox never got much farther than the Oddessy. So, too, will Sony fall into disrepair thanks to the overpriced junkpile that is the PlayStation 3. And it's not Nintendo that's causing it."
Really? The last time I checked Nintendo wascausing a lot of problems for Sony andMicrosoft. And since when is it clear that the PS3 is going to completely fail this generation and that Sony will drop out of console making completely. Last time I checked Sony has been profitable when it comes to making games while certain companies *cough* microsoft *cough* have yet to literally make one cent off of console gaming. The rest of the article was an entertaining read. From an intellectual standpoint though it seemed like it was written by an uneducated 19 year old with the writing level of a high school sophomore, and the logic of a mushroom taking acid.
here's the link to the article if you are interested:
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