For the second year in a row they evaluated Call of Duty without playing it online after it was released.
The game is not even playable right now. Tons of people complain about it.
I am never using Gamespot again.
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I could care LESS what any reviewer has to say to be honest. At the end of the day I am the one who's paying to play a specific game & listening to someone else might eithe make me pay for a game that sucks or miss out on a game that's great. It's one thing to read a review & another to follow it.
Watching and reading reviews can always be a pain!
You gotta get a feel for the reviewer and his tastes etc.
I personally always read as many reviews as possible, but usually it's down to what i fancy at the time.
But i am pretty sure that the Black Ops servers were available for review.
Anyways, if you don't like the reviews, or the reviewers, jog on and we'll see you around
are u really that shocked tc? certain studios and franchises ALWAYS get high scores on here (im glaring at u rockstar!)
like someone else already said, its up to you to decide what u wanna play. why listen to someone you dont know or ever met!? base your purchases on more educated decisions. not what some faceless website tells u.
i personally never read these long winded reviews on this site. i gave that up the 1st year i was on here. if youre going to swear by others opinions, try player reviews (yes, i know the trolls zomg) at least there is a much more diverse array of reviews before you make your final judgement. and you can pm a gs user who reviwed said game and pick their brain about it.
I disagree I think the gamespot reviewers are spot on most of the time
This!! Sometime 0.5 lower than I'd have gone but on the whole......
I don't care about reviews of a game unless it's broken (which GameSpot generally ignores, like "Fallout New Vegas" - the absolute-WORST bunch of contradictory statements I've ever seen in a game review). Past that, treating reviews like some sort of law is a huge mistake. As I look at my stack of PS3 games (or my entire library for that matter), I see a ton of games which reviewed middling to poorly, which I have had a ball playing.
Use your own judgement. You are a capable gamer with your own tastes and sensibilities.
They do some decent reviews. But i don't see why you wouldn't use gamespot just because there reviews are bad? I was a little confused when they rated black ops 9, and NFS Hot Pursuit 8.5, or Game dev story 9. But I didn't rage quit? In my eyes your a little sad..... bye :)
Game Spot tends to review games about .5-1.5 lower than the average game reviewer out there. Then in rare cases as with VanQuish they go .5-1 higher than the average game reviewer out there. I agree with their VanQuish review right on. I disagree with most of their reviews though, I tend to rate games .5-1.5 higher than they do. Anyone can choose to go with their reviews or to go with IGN's, Game Informers, N4G, etc.
Thats exactly why I dont go by the Gamespot reviews. I watch videos and see what the User reviews are.
Look people don't need to leave I just rely on user reviews now. Because gamespot is corrupt as a slot machine.
Yeah like others have touched upon, i feel the quality of GS reviews has diminished. I noticed it ever since they changed their scoring system to increments of 0.5
I used to like when games would more precice scores. IT felt like they were more closley evaluated. Sometimes when comparing two games now, one is clearly better but they both get the same review mark - where as under the old system they would have got different marks because of the .1 increments
For the second year in a row they evaluated Call of Duty without playing it online after it was released.
The game is not even playable right now. Tons of people complain about it.
I am never using Gamespot again.
You're about four years late.. since 2006 to be more precise their reviews, outside of Kevin Van Ord's for majority of the time are nothing to put faith into if you're looking for game purchase opinion which anyone should be doing on their own anyway.
I enjoy the website for its utilities it offers however - mainly keeping track of my gaming collection and on updates/news for upcoming titles and one of the better, mature conversations, especially on PC/PS3 forum.
As for the reviews - I stopped caring for those long time ago..
I have no issue with the reviews...I read many reviews before I make a decision to buy.
I do, however, have an issue with the length of time it takes GS to get reviews out for certain games. If it's not a AAA title, it can sometimes take up to a week after the release to see a review. IGN is much more timely, but it seems like all of their reviewers are 8 years old.
Black Ops is working fine for me, but since your PS3 apparently=all PS3's, you're absolutely 100% right. GameSpot is wrong and evil and greedy and stuff because Black Ops isn't working for you.
Seriously though, Black Ops has no more lag and connection drops than COD4. Why people are noticing it now is beyond me.
Every Call of Duty game has been playable online briefly at launch before being overrun and destroyed by a mass of insane CoD players/exploiters. That Codblops is no different is not really a surprise, although the reviews still reflect the game at launch.DJ_LaeDo you listen to Weekend Confirmed? :)
Or you can just concern yourself with your own taste. Good, Great, Excellent, Terrible; all completely subjective. The only thing a review can tell you is if a game is a broken mess, if you were looking forward to whatever a game is and the reviewer doesn't like it, what does it matter. I mean its the same thing as trying to find a reviewer who has taste similar to yours, I don't know why people need validation these days. And to the TC, if they waited to do the review after the game was already out and everyone experienced the servers for themselves, kind of defeats the purpose of doing a review right?Watching and reading reviews can always be a pain!
You gotta get a feel for the reviewer and his tastes etc.
We will really miss you "guy with just one post". Reviews are opinions and they stay opinions, there'll always be Reviews you disagree and the online of BO is far from being unplayable oO Only problems I have is if I have media server activated. Also somethimes there's a problem with the host, but isn't that present in pretty much every FPS? oO Maybe a bit more in BO, but unplayable? C'mon, please
its impossiable to review games any more because every1 whines and crys mostly the fanboys!!!!! no matter what no1 is happy with reviews it seems. every big exclusive game review is followed by a caravan of whiney fanboy posts! hurt that there game didnt get an 11 because bill gates bought off the reviewers.i find it really funny that the people cry about the review(sum1 elses opinion) and say it false but expect there opinion 2 be the only true1.
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