Man what is the deal with Gamespot's PSP section of their website? for god's sake the page has looked the same for at least a month and there hasn't been a review for at least 2 weeks! i feel neglected as a PSP fan and I think Gamespot should be showing its readers more attention!
you will soon see that its not just the psp section but the whole damn gamespot really really freakin blows bad try one of the other sites instead if you need anything
well nothing may be happening right now but there are still a ton of games they haven't reviewed and they just reviewed Pursuit Force 2 and you can't even find that on the PSP homepage... gamespot is scrubbin hard.
i'm not asking them to make it the center of attention, just to keep it interesting for I and other avid PSP fans to return to and use as a main source for PSP gaming knowlegde. I guess gamespot has already screwed that up though considering that they've terribly underratted some of the PSPs best games. It just seems like the PSP page is barely a side note to gamespots website when it really has the potential to have a much wider following.
Well gamespot it kinda late on alot of things... like things would be shown in a gameinformer magazine like weeks before it would hit gamespot... so it's simple.. if you want to find out something specific just go to a different site... but yeah alot of times .. NOT just the psp.. the entire site stays the same
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