Gears of War, although a good/fun game all around, is maybe a little over rated, imo. We (PS3 owners) arguably have online games that can be just as fun (Resistance, Team Fortress 2, etc.). As for the cover mechanic, Dark Sector comes close (sans the blind-fire option) and Rainbow Six arguably does it just as well. Rainbow Six 2 looks to take the lead. Looking for solid co-op? From what I gather (i can't speak from personal experience, but we don't each other, so what does it matter;). I could be a real noob, after all) Army of Two seems to offer a pretty stellar experience in the co-op dept. from what I've read.
Granted, I'll give you that none of these are the full package, but if you're looking for something to scratch a particular itch you may want to consider at least giving one of these a rent. (Same for Gears. The story mode lasted me a day, and the story itself was a little broken. Dark Sector can give you that feeling too if you want :lol: )
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