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I am going to get a ps3 soon and i was going to pick up resistance and oblivion. i was just wondering if there is anything else that i should look into aswellKansrite
Also you should look into F1CE if you're into racing games the graphics are amazing and the career mode is really deep, also Motorstorm the online is crazy!
[QUOTE="Kansrite"]I am going to get a ps3 soon and i was going to pick up resistance and oblivion. i was just wondering if there is anything else that i should look into aswellgrimone01
Also you should look into F1CE if you're into racing games the graphics are amazing and the career mode is really deep, also Motorstorm the online is crazy!
Yes get F1CE if your into racing but in 1 or 2 week get The Darkness and then more games are coming like even week for the PS3. I can't wait for Lair and Nascar.
...heres my advice to u......ps3 sucks.....butatleast there is Gears of War and Halo 3.....O WAIT! ;)neXtgenisis
See dude that all the 360 have is GOW and Halo 3 lol. PS3 as Metal Gear, Socom, GT, Lair, MotorStorm, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Formula 1, Home, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and more.
...heres my advice to u......ps3 sucks.....butatleast there is Gears of War and Halo 3.....O WAIT! ;)neXtgenisis
Translation: Look at me, look at me ! I'm a fanboy!
The Prestige is pretty awesome on blueray. Resistance, Oblivion, Motorstorm, Virtua Fighter 5are allgreat. As for downloadable games I really love blast factor. The rest of the PSN is pretty meh right now.
[QUOTE="neXtgenisis"]...heres my advice to u......ps3 sucks.....butatleast there is Gears of War and Halo 3.....O WAIT! ;)donnygorgas
Translation: Look at me, look at me ! I'm a fanboy!
The Prestige is pretty awesome on blueray. Resistance, Oblivion, Motorstorm, Virtua Fighter 5are allgreat. As for downloadable games I really love blast factor. The rest of the PSN is pretty meh right now.
and what else. online free. and for the 360 you have to get the system that about $400 + online the what $59 + a game used $50 + a HD-DVD that $200= about $700 and for the Ps3 you get the system $600 and Blu-ray player inside the systemand a uesd game about 50 your look at $650.
[QUOTE="donnygorgas"][QUOTE="neXtgenisis"]...heres my advice to u......ps3 sucks.....butatleast there is Gears of War and Halo 3.....O WAIT! ;)SicBMX84
Translation: Look at me, look at me ! I'm a fanboy!
The Prestige is pretty awesome on blueray. Resistance, Oblivion, Motorstorm, Virtua Fighter 5are allgreat. As for downloadable games I really love blast factor. The rest of the PSN is pretty meh right now.
and what else. online free. and for the 360 you have to get the system that about $400 + online the what $59 + a game used $50 + a HD-DVD that $200= about $700 and for the Ps3 you get the system $600 and Blu-ray player inside the systemand a uesd game about 50 your look at $650.
Also, don't forget the wifi. i use it on my ps3. Comes built in. For the 360, I'm going to have to buy a wifi adapter that costs freakin 100 bucks. What a waste.
[QUOTE="neXtgenisis"]...heres my advice to u......ps3 sucks.....butatleast there is Gears of War and Halo 3.....O WAIT! ;)donnygorgas
Translation: Look at me, look at me ! I'm a fanboy!
Yeah I would say foremost enjoy oblivion it's amazing! As well as resistance online and single player! The free demos on PSN give you a good idea what games are worth getting.
I am going to get a ps3 soon and i was going to pick up resistance and oblivion. i was just wondering if there is anything else that i should look into aswellKansrite
I'm not going to tell you what to buy due to the fact that everyone has different gaming preferences. I will say that Resistance is a good pick(Eeven though I hardly play it anymore). Well, I hardly play the PS3 period anymore...Lol.
...heres my advice to u......ps3 sucks.....butatleast there is Gears of War and Halo 3.....O WAIT! ;)neXtgenisisthat's the number 1 reason I'm getting a ps3 no cr@ppy halo god that's as boring as censored
I'm going to get a PS3 later this month and will be picking up Resistance and FFXII. My PS2 broke a long while ago so I'll have a chance to play my PS2 games again.
Also I think it's funny that the PS fanboys say Xbox only has 2 games and then proceed to list just about every game for the PS3. Xbox has plenty of games. Just because the most popular surpass any PS3 game doesn't mean you need to be offensive about it.
Oh and about the Xbox 360 price vs PS3 price. You forgot an HDMI cable that doesn't come with the supposedly future proof console. You also don't get a headset. With the 360 you're completely ready to jump into Xbox Live with a 1 month Gold subscription. Wonderful isn't it?
Fanboys are crazy. I'd have to say that the PS fanboys are easier to provoke, even with the slightest mention of the competition they strike relentlessly.
Btw, not having to be bound by forum rules about not even mentioning other consoles is quite nice!
I am going to get a ps3 soon and i was going to pick up resistance and oblivion. i was just wondering if there is anything else that i should look into aswellKansriteNinja Gaiden sigma is great for a future game. Graphically and gameplay wise both. I personally loved the demo and it's coming out later this month/early july. for right now resistence is my favorite pick, but motorstorm is also pretty good as a racing game. Also, for future titles, coming out in the span of a few month, i would say look into lair, war hawk, killzone 2, heavenly sword, and Ratchet and Clank Tools. Those are some of the games i am looking forward to personally. Otherwise, welcome to the ps3 community and hope you enjoy your purchase as much as i have.
360 price vs PS3 price. You forgot an HDMI cable that doesn't come with the supposedly future proof console. You also don't get a headset. With the 360 you're completely ready to jump into Xbox Live with a 1 month Gold subscription. Wonderful isn't it?
ah HDMI cable cost 8 bucks at and im very happy using my bluetooth headset that i already had, and u can get one for 30 bucks if u really "need" it
no one will be disaapointed with a ps3 very reliable and yes future proof!
[QUOTE="neXtgenisis"]...heres my advice to u......ps3 sucks.....butatleast there is Gears of War and Halo 3.....O WAIT! ;)donnygorgas
Translation: Look at me, look at me ! I'm a fanboy!
The Prestige is pretty awesome on blueray. Resistance, Oblivion, Motorstorm, Virtua Fighter 5are allgreat. As for downloadable games I really love blast factor. The rest of the PSN is pretty meh right now.
i am far from a fanboy my friend....i had a ps3 and sold it cause it sucked so bad don't junge son
[QUOTE="donnygorgas"][QUOTE="neXtgenisis"]...heres my advice to u......ps3 sucks.....butatleast there is Gears of War and Halo 3.....O WAIT! ;)SicBMX84
Translation: Look at me, look at me ! I'm a fanboy!
The Prestige is pretty awesome on blueray. Resistance, Oblivion, Motorstorm, Virtua Fighter 5are allgreat. As for downloadable games I really love blast factor. The rest of the PSN is pretty meh right now.
and what else. online free. and for the 360 you have to get the system that about $400 + online the what $59 + a game used $50 + a HD-DVD that $200= about $700 and for the Ps3 you get the system $600 and Blu-ray player inside the systemand a uesd game about 50 your look at $650.
and for u my friend...dont u understand the ps3 is sony's way of marketing blu-ray.....o and btw online isn't 60 its 50 and its not just online its online, which kicks the crap out of the playsataion network, a couple of arcade games, a head set, 200 microsoft points, and somtimes a 20 rebate on a game...g thats a rip off...
[QUOTE="Vipralion"]360 price vs PS3 price. You forgot an HDMI cable that doesn't come with the supposedly future proof console. You also don't get a headset. With the 360 you're completely ready to jump into Xbox Live with a 1 month Gold subscription. Wonderful isn't it?
ah HDMI cable cost 8 bucks at and im very happy using my bluetooth headset that i already had, and u can get one for 30 bucks if u really "need" it
no one will be disaapointed with a ps3 very reliable and yes future proof!
and i suppose it comes with a ethernet cord too...o wait!
[QUOTE="winner-ps3"][QUOTE="Vipralion"]360 price vs PS3 price. You forgot an HDMI cable that doesn't come with the supposedly future proof console. You also don't get a headset. With the 360 you're completely ready to jump into Xbox Live with a 1 month Gold subscription. Wonderful isn't it?
ah HDMI cable cost 8 bucks at and im very happy using my bluetooth headset that i already had, and u can get one for 30 bucks if u really "need" it
no one will be disaapointed with a ps3 very reliable and yes future proof!
and i suppose it comes with a ethernet cord too...o wait!
ps3 comes with an ethernet cord, if u had a ps3 you would know that. Also whats your problem? Go look at some ace combat 6 trailers to make you feel better, leave our forum alone
[QUOTE="winner-ps3"][QUOTE="Vipralion"]360 price vs PS3 price. You forgot an HDMI cable that doesn't come with the supposedly future proof console. You also don't get a headset. With the 360 you're completely ready to jump into Xbox Live with a 1 month Gold subscription. Wonderful isn't it?
ah HDMI cable cost 8 bucks at and im very happy using my bluetooth headset that i already had, and u can get one for 30 bucks if u really "need" it
no one will be disaapointed with a ps3 very reliable and yes future proof!
and i suppose it comes with a ethernet cord too...o wait!
uh... yeah it comes with an ethernet cord.
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