I remember playing the first resistance, fighting hard for 10 minutes + against a seemingly endless onslaught of enemies. You would fight onwards and finally you would be the last living thing standing. You would have almost no heath, you would have only a few clips of ammo left, but you would be proud... that is, until 30 more enemies appear on the horrizon and you realise the game has no intention of giving you more supplies. You die. you get thrown back to a checkpoint you passed 20 minutes ago.
I loved the original, but I always felt it was a little too hard at times. So, when I started playing R2, it was the easy setting for me. However, despite playing on easy (normally play games on normal), R2 is still bloody hard in places. It is sooo easy to get surrounded. I think the only think I dislike about this game is the trial and error gameplay... I often seem to have to die numerous times before I realise how to approach a battle.
Thank god there are lots more checkpoints this time round.
Also, did anyone find the graphics hugely impressive at times, and then rather average at other times? As I play i realise that the game engine is actually very powerful... great shadows, great lighting, solid framerate despite hordes of enemies, depth of field... its all there, but the devs often seem to push you through boring interiors... oh well, fantastic game!
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