This is all pretty discouraging. I stopped playing back when I bought it... on the first damn level where you're still a spirit. Yeah I know, I'm lame. I've just been too busy to get into it, Dragon Age has been sucking up all of my gaming time. I keep telling myself I'll play it again eventually, but then I keep hearing all this stuff about how its the most frustrating game this gen, and I think those people may be right. I spentan hour and a half working my way toward the end of the first level only to be killed by a trap that I couldn't possibly have known was there until I died by it. That's not fair. If that kind of stuff happens throughout the game I can't see myself enjoying it, especially with the extreme penalty death brings. I can see myself getting sucked into it onlyto have something extremely lame happen again followed by the game being shelved for several more months. It's like I can't bring myself to play a game that I get the feeling will just ultimatelypiss me off, but then I also want the gratification of saying 'yeah, I beat that game'. Ahhh, decisions, decisions. I don't know, I'll probably give it a few more fair shots when I'm done with DA.
I respect your opinion, but disagree with it being frustrating. To me, it never felt cheap or unfair. Dieing and learning from your mistakes is part of the game, but the game rewards you for playing cautiously and carefully.
Were you playing offline? There should have been written notes on the ground warning of traps and/or bloodstains.
Not that I didnt die to unexpected things, but there are things built into the game to assist players so they dont die to every trap or ambush they happen across.
Regardless, DA:O is a fine game to play instead. :D
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