Movie adapation? Man you must be young. Video game movies never turn out good. A few can turn out decent, Silent Hill comes to mind for me, but ones like Resident Evil, Street Fighter, and Max Payne just make you shake your head. Plus if you saw the Dead Space: Downfall prequel DVD you would know there was little hope for a good movie. Heres a summary to save you the trouble.
"F**k a rock"
"Take the f**king rock to the ship"
"I don't like this f**king rock and f**k you"
"F**k people are disapearing, investigate"
"O F**king k"
"I'll f**king distract them, you get the others."
"Oh s**t everyones dead"
End of DVD. All this while being animated in the exact same format as a Saturday Morning Cartoon.
I do hope they incorporate more cut scenes in the next one as the first Dead Space was a masterpiece gameplay wise. However these weird mute characters and people that incorrectly presume what I'm thinking isn't going to cut it for the next one.
Lol. But the movie did explain some certain things for the game. Oh and yeah most Video Game movies suck....and Final Fantasy VII Advent Children was a good movie for action scenes but as for story.....WTF was going on. I understood some things but others made me say WTF is going on!
Agreed on Advent Children. Advent Children to me was more of a nice reunion to see what was going on with everyone, but as is the nature with movies it's hard to build up an enemy in an hour and a half or two hours for that matter. Thats part of the reason Sephiroth was so hated in VII, he had about 48 hours of gameplay to do stuff to piss you off. Advent Children on the other hand was like boom, boom, boom, oh look Sephiroth. It wasn't bad by any strech of the imagination but to me it wasn't necessarily good either.
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