Guys I need your input.
The wife and I FINALLY finished our LVL It is called "Little Big Ark". We must have 25 hours into this lvl!!!
The lvl is very large with a complete thermometer and will take a minimum if 15 minutes to complete.
In the lvl you have to bring 4 animals back to the ark. Each animal is located through a set of unique obsticles. This equates to 4 small lvls. Each animal has a built in return path so backtracking is greatly reduced or eliminated. The ark is centrally located.
The Bear cave is my fav =P
Once the animals are returned the rain will start and the flood waters will raise. Be sure your on the boat!! It will take you to saftey.
This lvl has many complex mechanisms and traps and is quite challenging. It is hard enough I have trouble aceing it but not so hard the wife can not complete it. A couple of the obsticles are much harder than the rest but I tryed to supply 2x respawn on those areas, but is something is to hard be sure to let me know. I think most of you will be fine though. The end payoff if worth it! It gives a feeling of accomplishment.
Also, you can earn a couple trophies along the way. 20X multiplier, Incredible Hieght, All are earned in the context of the lvl with no cheap gimicks found in trophy lvls.
We have tested this lvl ALOT and everything appears to be solid, but I am requesting feedback from you. Mainly I am looking for comments on diffuculty, style, etc. and just to make sure everything works well for you. I am looking for input to better this lvl and improve future lvls.
Its name again is Little Big Ark. It is located in Texas.
I was having trouble finding it with a search, so if you run into that issue Please add me to your friends list (Riven02) to test it.
I am really looking forward to your input. I think most of you will really enjoy it!
Please leave your feedback for me here or in an instant Message. Also, please be sure to heart the level and me!!
Does anyone know also what makes lvls show up in "Cool Levels"? Right now it is not on any of the 50 pages.
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