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I just got a second remote and im trying to find some good two player non split screen games.Im taliking somyhing on the line of Lego Starwars where both players are on the same screen.My kids are driving me crazy.vj226966
yeah lego star wars and lego indiana jones are fun multiplayer, non-split screen games.
my son plays cod4 a little,i dont like him playing much online because of how people talk.vj226966
theres a mute option for that.
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance! I push that game way too much, but I personally loved it. Especially second time through with a friend.BowJester
Yeah that is a cool non-splitscreen game, especially that you can pick any superhero :P. I've played it a few times and got hooked.
pixel junk monsters is really good! me and my flatmate really enjoy playing that together. Encourages communication, very tactical, very fun.
I think a good two player game would be haze. but its probobly not appropriate for a kid under 13. But i would suggest a sport game. There always fun.
But dont get him Army Of Two, because theres cursing and blood.
I recommend Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. You can download it on PSN. Also, Soulcalibur 4 will be out at the end of next month.
Tekken 5 is not an easy game for pick up and play type (same with Virtua Fighter 5). For fighting games, probably Dead or Alive and Soul Calibur
Fifa 10 is great bro, you ca play competitive or co-op, even though co-op is quite hard.
Sports games are the way to go.
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