Friday 16-Apr-2010 12:23 PMPolyphony boss Yamauchi talks up scale of PS3 racer
Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi has claimed that Gran Turismo 5 will be "totally different" to GT5: Prologue.
Fans have been waiting over two years since Prologue hit PS3 for a full release of GT5 - but Yamauchi has reassured them that the full game's "scale and diversity" is far superior.
"Prologue is really only a prologue," he told CVG sister mag PSM3 this month.
"Though the look and feel of Prologue and the full version will have uniformity, the full version will be totally different in terms of scale and diversity in comparison."
Yamauchisaid earlier this yearthat GT5 was '90 per cent' complete.
His new comments come as part of a eight-page racing preview spectacular in May's PSM3, which also features F12010, Modnation racers, Blur, Split/Second and more.
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