- Times Square is called "Star Junction"
- Few people were on the streets in the demo that GamesTM played (this could be attributed to early code)
- Niko can use his cell phone to call for weapons - GamesTM say that Niko calls his associate Little Jacob, a Caribbean arms dealer, the conversation ends with Jacob telling Niko to meet him in an alleyway in Rotterdam Hill.
- The player can call a taxi cab to go to a destination and view the ride in first-person or use trip-skip to speed the experience along
- Niko received a call in the demo, which concerned a "shady lawyer" by the name of Goldberg, of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster.
- The "TW@" internet café from GTA3 is present but this time you can surf the web (which is "huge" and "very important," according to Rockstar)
- One mission involves uploading your resume to a law firm, getting an interview, and killing a lawyer
- Any crime committed will give you a wanted level
- The star rating will create a visible search area on the radar, which, if escaped, will dissipate the wanted level
- The police radio returns and you can hear the police talking about where you were last spotted as in previous games.
- There is a clothing store called "Perseus" where suits can be purchased
- The draw distance is "unreal"
This is certainly exciting, as never before have players been able to "surf the web" in a GTA game. The police also seem to be much more vigilant and realistic in the game, as in the missions GamesTM played, killing a single person warranted a 3-star wanted level on both occasions.
Also, I was reading up on some of the cell phone features:
Call a cab for transportation (In which you can view the ride in FIRST PERSON or tripskip option :P)
Call contacts for reasons as missions, or meeting up with them.
Take photos of your in-game stuff (The chaos you've caused :D)
Txt Msg people.
Source: www.thegtaplace.com
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