Both games are great, but RDR is the better one IMO becuase:
1. The environments are more detailed and better to explore and look at. In RDR you get more variety like prairies, deserts, forests, canyons, swamps, snowy mountains ect... in GTA4 it's just a boring gray city.
2. There is more to do. In RDR you cango hunting or become a bounty hunter or take over gang hideouts GTA 4 there isn't much to do once you beat the games story. With RDR you still have plenty left to do.
3. If your a fan of spaghetti westerns than RDR is simply a must. There are alot of things you'll recognise like the "Wihlma Scream" or the town of Armidillo and the opening to The Good The Bad and The Ugly (they look exactly the same with the ground and mountains ect...) Also RDR is pretty accurate historically so if your a history buff you'll probably appreciate it alot more.
4. RDR feels more epic, as you start off in a small town of farmers but eventually get to explore Mexico and other interesting places. Plus you get more choices to make in the storyline in RDR than you do in GTA4
5. The RDR DLC is better than GTA4 DLC, with RDR you can get Undead Nightmare which is wild west with zombies, it's great!
6. The multiplayer in RDR is much better than GTA4 IMO, it's open world and you can form up in Posse's and become outlaw gangs or go capture gang hideouts or go on hunting missions together or just engage in a war with a rival posse'. It's alot of fun with friends asyou can all hang out together and explore the world, only downside though is that the game has alot of jerks on it who will attack other players for no reason at all.
That's just MY opinion, but I liked RDR better than GTA4. You decide for yourself.
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