While the PSP has been out for awhile are you completely satisfied with your PSP purchase? Even with its droughts are you fully happy with it? No matter which version you got Fat, 2000, 3000.
Completely satisfied. I recently upgraded to the 3000 from a 1000, and I loved both. I've been able to find quite a few games to play, so I've not problem with the PSP library. I also use it to play music. I only with the web browser was better, but I have a computer for that.
Competly satisfied. I can talk to my boyfriend over Skype for as long as I want free, I can use Go! Messanger and talk to my friends, I have access to an awesome library of games by Sony and other companies, and I have enjoyed using it to surf the internet late at night when I am not supposed to >.> Its so small and easy to hide. :D
Same as above, I'm completely satisfied with my slim. I use mine to read a crapload of manga, listen to music, watch anime sometimes, and I'm happy with the library of games I have so far. Of course I'm disappointed that some games are japan-only but it was the same way with PSOne and PSTwo so it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. This is the first Handheld gaming console I've had that I've actually been really happy to have, and have enjoyed thoroughly. Really looking forward to future releases too like Disgaea 2, the new Harvest Moon and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, etc. ^_^
I like and I still use it from games and such. I own 1000 and I have no problems with it, but I am missing some features. Those features aren't important to me beacause it's a handheld. Tons of games to choose from that are great.
I just got my for Christmas 2008, and LOVE it! It's a great replacement for the old Dell AXIS Pocket PC I had that I used mostly to play games. While I'm definitely NOT the target demographic (a 45-year old female techie), I am extremely happy with the 2000 I have. The game selection, while I do enjoy most of them, seems to be a bit on the light side. I've been a fan of the Sims games on the PC for years, and my PSP version sees LOTS of use! I have been very dissappointed with the card games, however. The graphics are too focused on what's happening in the background rather than on the actual cards. But on the whole, it's an excellently-engineered product with some killer games - a great way to kill time on those long business trips.
I'm very happy with my purchase. I bought it a year and a half ago just so I could play 2 of my favorite games of all time on the go (FF Tactics and Castlevania SotN). At that time, I thought that there weren't any other good games for it. Boy was I wrong! There are lots of good ports and original games to keep me busy, play it more than any other console or handheld I currently own.
I'll just put it this way. It tore me away from my xbox 360 and all those shiny achievements no problem haha!! I've stayed glued to it since. Although I still play live every now and then with my cousins, I'm full blown addicted to my PSP!!!
My favorite handheld of all time. I hope we continue to see great games for it, even if we aren't recieving the junk ones anymore, like old days.motherboop
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