I had a old 40gig fat ps3 that died on me a long time ago. But since then, I bought a new 160gig slim.
My 40gig is way past warranty, and I wanted to try to fix it myself and wanted to know if all it takes is applying new thermal paste? The probem with it wasn't the YLOD. What was wrong with the 40gig is about after 30 minutes of playing, the screen will freeze, then put green/white lines with green/white checkered boxes across the screen.
Would just applying thermal paste (tuniq tx-4 paste) potentially fix the problem? If not, i'll just erase all data on the 40gig HDD and keep it as more storage, and switch it with my other 160gig back and forth in my slim (if thats even possible, i hope so)
EDIT: Just did a little research, you can put an older HDD into a new ps3. Its just the new ps3 will format the HDD, which no problem for me since I started over on everything anyway. But my question is, once my slim formats the old HDD, then I put back in the original HDD, will the original HDD be formatted as well? Or will both HDD be perfectly fine to switch back and forth?
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