Most gamers cannot live by one or two genre alone, although I think we are all guilty of binge-gaming from time to time. I go through cycles of gaming, right now I think I'm in a third-person action-adventure thing. I'm back into "Darksiders", and enjoying it quite a bit... But eventually I'll drift back into tac shooters, and finish "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" on Hardcore. I noticed "Red River" has come down to about $22 used, but I'm going to finish "Dragon" on the full-simulation settings. That game is so difficult, but when you finish a level after over an hour of objectives taken & firefights/ ambushes survived, you honestly do feel accomplished in a way that few if any other FPS have managed to pull off...
... And because it's the season again, my "NASCAR 2011" will get the dust blown off it.
That's why I don't trade much in - I tend to get a TON of stuff when it hits that cut-out bin, though... Heh... Got my eye on a copy of "Conan"...
... I like to go back and replay stuff on harder difficulties, and sometimes I take over a year to finish a particular game. I'm at a certain point close to the end of "BioShock", and I'm having a hard time finishing it because I don't want it to be over yet... I do THAT crap, too...
... But I like getting a lot of different stuff, rainy-day pick-ups when I can find them uber-cheap, so that I can indulge my video game wander-lust. Diversity and finding that diamond in the rough is an awesome feeling. I love popping in a game that critics & players gave middling reviews, and you end up absolutely in LOVE with it, y'know? I haven't found a mega-ton of titles, but I've found more than a few that way... You gotta take a few chances and swim againast the current, even stuff you've set up for yourself - Liking one kind of game, but closing your mind to another...
You should always court change in your own tastes, as well as those of other's, I always say. The great part is the change and breathing this hobby has done for me since the early 1970s with pinball, mechanical amusements, and my first coin-op "PONG" encounter at the local pancake house, to present day.
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