I'm curious to know if any of your PS3 game disc have came with a bit of splash ink around the borders side of the disc art or on the center. When i bought Soul Calibur IV the moment i opened it i'd notice that on the top border fo the disc it came with a bit of plash like violet ink, bought Valkyria Cronicles and in the top of the center a little dot of yellow and down of it a bit black, and in my copy of Street Fighter IV after days with it i'd notice a bit on the border and in the center not in the art it came with splash violet ink. all my other games didn't have this. I know this may be dumb for some of you and that this doesn't interfere with the playability but i'm curios to know, maybe is that Sony have sent some disc like this to the company's or is something that have to do with the printing process.
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