I want a clean slate and I have 3 years of downloads, garbage, corrupted data, and game saves I don't need and countless PSN games I don't touch. I wanna wipe my slate clean for the holidays coming up, starting with Tekken Tag 2 tomorrow. Anything I should know beforehand? I have PS+ and backed up the game saves that I have put over 50+ hours into but thats it. Thanks guys.
I'm kind of excited to have a clean slate. I just worked through my backlog and did a huge trade in on games (Best Buy is giving 100% bonus in trades BTW) also and I am down to only my favorites in my collection which have already been completed. It feels good not have a backlog anymore. I will keep my PSN name and trophies and all that of course.
Just curious if I should expect anything out of the ordinary. Thanks Gspotters.
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