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i ve played indigo prophecy and it was awesome till the end where the story was SO rushed, man it ruined the game for me. it begins SO aweosme but on the last hour it is rubbish.. shame
other than that it is like a movie , on secong thought like movieS cause you can take many many alternative subplots. (tha main plot though remanins the same) it also has 3 endings as i can remember. gameply was simple , you just did some moves up or down adn thats it, this sounds boring and stupid btut rest assured that it is not. right the opposite it is (was) very original. the whole experience is like a mob=vie , a cinematic interactive movie. unlike the mgs4 in IP you could alter the cutscenes with dialogue you actually chose.. anyway it awas a memorable game. it has its ups and downs, i gave it a 8,5 just for the story.
Although Fahrenheit interested me when it was first released I never got around to playing it till earlier this year. My interest in Heavy Rain was actually what finally pushed me to hunt down a copy of the game.
After playing it I can honestly say it's one of the best games I have ever played, despite it's flaws.
I'm hyped for Heavy Rain, but the graphics are probably the last thing on my mind. I love a deep dark story, and well developed characters I can get attatched to, so Heavy Rain is shaping up to be the perfect game for me.
It will likely be rated M. There's nudity , drug use , violence , f-bombs , etc.Haven't seen or heard much of Indigo Prophecy but I don't play M rated games anyway. Heavy Rain looks like it'll have a good murder mystery plot and I love reading those types of books. However, I'm gonna be sad if Heavy Rain is rated M. Sill hopeing!
I've never played Indigo Prophecy and I probably never will unless Heavy Rain is unbelievable. I'm looking forward to HR because it's going to be a story driven game. I love books with great stories and Heavy Rain seems to be a like a book in video game form.
I agree with you on how this definitely is definitely a niche game and I don't really understand how it's getting so much attention aside from blind fanboys who care about graphics more than anything. I don't even think this game has good graphics but I'm hoping the story is one worth remembering.
Indigo Prophecy is one of my favourite games, Im getting heavy rain day 1
That Nudity Scene made me a little bit worried as I live in Australia and we LUV banning games.....
i haven't played indigo yet but i'm looking forward to hevy rain not because of the pretty pictures everyone else is but just a different gaming experience altogether after you shot everybody to hell and hacked off 10000 limbs i want something different and that is what this game is to me
Indigo Prophecy was a great game and it had a unique play mechanics. It was interesting how they told the story from 3 points of view. I'm not a graphics whore and I'm welcoming Heavy Rain with open arms. I'm also like that once character is dead, they are gone.
I've never played Indigo Proephecy (always wanted to just never got around to it) but I'm excited for Heavy Rain because it seems to have a very deep story, and story is usally the biggest seller for me. As long as the story is great and engages the player I can usually play on through medicore gameplay. I'm not saying the gameplay for this going to be mediocre, as I don't really know exactly what it is (other than maybe some kind of advanced QTE thing?) but it seems cool how things can turn out so differently just from one little thing happening and how the games refects every last little thing you do. I'm interested to see how things will unfold differently through multiple playthroughs. I'll probably try and pick up Indigo Prophecy closer to the release of this so I have more of an idea what to expect.
I played very little of it, liked a lot the new gameplay, but was stuck fast as it was too much limited in freedom of choice : you had to do this action then this other action then this other action, and can't do anything else or game over.
I have always been a fan of the adventure genre, since the 90s where it was the golden era for adventure games. And yes, I have played Indigo Prophecy and I found it to be okay at first, but the story took a turn for the worst when the protagonist had those Matrix like moves.shalashaska88Exactly the same for me... exactly.
It will likely be rated M. There's nudity , drug use , violence , f-bombs , etc.[QUOTE="Zidaneski"]
Haven't seen or heard much of Indigo Prophecy but I don't play M rated games anyway. Heavy Rain looks like it'll have a good murder mystery plot and I love reading those types of books. However, I'm gonna be sad if Heavy Rain is rated M. Sill hopeing!
I'm sad now:(. or am I? *shifty eyes*
I played Indigo Prophecy on PS2 couple of years ago and it was an OK game. The story was good at the start that kept me going but got a little cheap in the end, of course gameplay was unique and overall agood adventure while it lasted. Heavy Rain's story is what keeps me pushing to try this game, Let's hope for the best.
Yeah, I played Indigo Prophecy and that is what is holding me back from getting too excited for Heavy Rain. Indigo Prophecy had really lame Simon Sez gameplay and a storyline that would make a Stephen King fan proud, but people overlook these flaws and still rave about it just because it was "unique." I need more than uniqueness in my games, I need good gameplay, good stories, and good characters (what I remember most about Indigo Prohphecy was the Shaftastic police officer buddy character and playing the basketball minigame. A unique game? sort of. Fun? not really).
I'm holding off on getting too excited for Heavy Rain until I see proof that it has something more going for it than it is "unique" and it has nudity. Because the nudity especially seems just like a gimmick to me and gimmicks are usually there to cover up other flaws.
I loved Fahrenheit - one of my favourite Xbox titles. I've been eager to play Heavy Rain since its announcement.
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