well the haze demo has finally arrived and it seems most people knock the game for reasons that shouldn't be that big a deal. The biggest culprit is the graphics. So what if the graphics are dated a little, I mean we have all these others game with good graphics like white knight story, Killzone 2, resistance 2, Motorstorm 2, Soul Calibur 4, and so on. I don't see why every game needs to have top notch presentation all of the time.
the second thing that has been said is the voice acting is bad. Well let us take a look at the last timesplitters game shall we, Harry Tipper always said some of the most stupidest things during the levels with him as a partner and he always called cortez spaceman and that got annoying. R110 ten in the future levels some how went all gung ho and trashed talked all the bad guys because he installed the data for the doors and it changed him. Most of the dialogue in that game was rather "corny" so why is haze being busted on something that is a staple of free radical. Who did not know that there was going to be stupid dialogue in the game.
As far as the level being linear. Aren't all FPS's linear in a way. You start from one part of the level and you finish at another spot. Resistance, each level you started at one point and you just went through it. I bet when killzone 2 comes out it, your guy will start at one point and you will finish at another point in a A to B fashion.
You also have to remember that Free Radical main thing has always been multiplayer which no has played so why doesn't anybody wait until then to judge what the game really is. We still haven't used nectar bombs, knives or have played dead or anything yet.
Why does everyone still compare this game to far cry and turok when the jungle is only one level in the game.
The A. I. was never dumb and is always shooting back and dodging unlike dark sector. Even though it is bad for you, it is a little fun to overdose on nectar and watch yourself go crazy.
The online works very well. The only time I have been disconnected is when the host quit.
I think some poeple have this image of Halo in their heads or some other shooter that is similar and haze isn't really any of those games and now people are disappointed.
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