I currently have HD component cables that split to plug into the Xbox 360, PS3 & Wii. The problem is I have to unplug one to play yhe other since both the 360 & PS3 run through the same input. This is not a problem for the 360 as the plug that goes into it is metal. The part of the cable that goes into the PS3, however, is plastic. Having unplug it and plug it in repeatedly has caused the plastic on the cable plug to strip so I have to prop it up to get sound out of both speakers & proper color. So I need a new cable for the PS3 but the problem is I have turtle beach headphones that work for both consoles and my TV inputs are not accessible to switch the headphones to a different input everytime I use a different console. So is it possible I could set my PS3 to seperate outputs for audio & video so I wouldn't have to change my headphones? Or is there an easier solution? A cord that can plug into both platforms and not strip? an HDMI-component? Are HDMI plugs metal?
hd component cables never work as good as hdmi. just buy some hdmi cables, but dont get it at bestbuy they will charge like $50. get it on craigslist or ebay they run about $5-$10
Yes, you can set your PS3 to use multiple outputs for audio/video. I would think the easiest solution is to get something that keeps you from switching cables every time you change consoles. I'm assuming your TV doesn't have enough inputs to achieve this though. HDMI plugs are usually metal, and as russia posted... don't pay more than $10 for a HDMI cable.
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