Since God of War III Isnt coming out 'till 2009, What game out of Heavenly Sword, DMC4 or Ninja Gaiden Sigma Is the best, based on Graphics, Length, Difficulty, Controls, Story and Replay Value?
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DMC 4!!! heavenly sword and ninja gaiden sigma...pffft not even close man, not even close, NOT EVEN, hey GET OFF, not even. even thought HS and NGS was good, DMC 4 had the most content in my opinion, not like...extras i meant like...the game is like soooo freakin good, it has a little bit of everything, and if you think the games too easy then raise up the difficulty, not like NGB if its too hard for you "OHHH YOU'RE EFFED MAFACAAAA" yuhh like that man. na'm talkin bout?indongga
Lol Dmc4 is still new and your already talking like it's been out for a while.
Since God of War III Isnt coming out 'till 2009, What game out of Heavenly Sword, DMC4 or Ninja Gaiden Sigma Is the best, based on Graphics, Length, Difficulty, Controls, Story and Replay Value?
Thanks for the Help in Advance :)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma wins all those IMO, except story. The story(if you can call it that) in Ninja Gaiden is pitiful, and the voice acting is even worse.
Is Ninja Gaiden or DMC4 too hard that eventally I'll never play it again?EliteF50
I dunno about NG but DMC4 is insanely easy on Human mode and pretty easy on Devil Hunter mode.
Since God of War III Isnt coming out 'till 2009, What game out of Heavenly Sword, DMC4 or Ninja Gaiden Sigma Is the best, based on Graphics, Length, Difficulty, Controls, Story and Replay Value?
Thanks for the Help in Advance :)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is probably the best game out of the bunch, but DMC4 is really, really good too... obviously, with better graphics than NGS.
I would probably say DMC4, but I do have some caveats.
1.) NGS is a port of an old game. While they have updated the graphics, there are still some camera issues, and the CGI cutscenes are awful to look at! It still has rock solid gameplay, and addition of the Racheal missions and challenges pads the value to be sure. This game is tough, the addition of the "Ninja Dog" difficulty makes the game beatable for most experienced VG players. The story, usch as it is, is the stuff of mid 90's VG, not very evolved or interesting.
2.) HS is a game of the highest production values out there. The voice acting, animation, cutscenes, music, and story are all top rate, and more in line with a summer action blockbuster rather than a video game. The gameplay is pretty well done, it appears simple at first, but as you get deeper into the combat system, it reveals a surprising depth, in addition this game features arguably the best, most well realized implementation of motion controls in any PS3 game. The difficulty is average for an action game, experienced VG players will likely only die on the rare boss fight. Of course, that is, until the three stage final batttle, where King Bohan reveals himself to be an ancient practioner of the "SNK Boss" magic. Still a very winable game. The problem is the length. You will enjoy this game, but you'll be done in 8 hours at most.
3.) DMC 4 is about as by the numbers as you can imagine. It is exactly what you expect a DMC sequel to be, with no surprises. The action is fun, the controls are tight. The presence of six difficulty settings asssures that everyone will find a challenge to their liking. The gameplay tends to be more offensive minded then NGS or even DMC3, which some may find more appealing. The story, while pretty strange, is actually much more interesting and involving than typical VG fare, and will likely pull you in. The large degree of character progression is an added attraction as well.
Overall, DMC4 offers superb sound and video to give that "next gen" feel. It offers deep, well balanced gameplay, and a series of difficulties to ensure you don't get bored or frustrated. The story is also pretty good. Thus, it would be my reccomendation, but realize that it averagfes out as the best, but doesn't excel at any one thing.
Heavenly Sword may be short but it has better gameplay/graphics/story/production value than the other two games.Stalemate99
agreed..except the gameplay part... DMC4 has better gameplay...
if you haven't played them already, there's a demo for each of these games on the PSN
I personally liked the HS demo better but like the DMC4 game better....but that's from playing about half of HS and DMC4
only played the demo for NGS, good but not great (but that's just me)
I own both Heavenly Sword and Devil May Cry 4 now, I rented Ninja Gaiden Sigma a few times last year, and I would say DMC4 is your best bet. Like someone in the thread has already stated, it has a several difficulty settings so that almost everyone can find a mode that suits them. The gameplay is on point. The graphics and the cutscenes are sweet (I play in HD). There's also tons and tons of replay value (that's how I feel because I sometimes go back and re-do missions so I can try to unlock some of the get a better grade and hopefully move up in the network ranking).
In all honesty, I don't think you can go wrong with either HS, DMC4, or NGS. I just think Devil May Cry 4 has more to offer than the other two.
Sigma is the only one I'd buy from that list, dmc3...4...1...??? Couldn't tell, gameplay was not changed, it was just the same old, nothing innovative, did what many complain about sports games doing, and that's adding a fresh coat of paint, and calling it new, when the central mechanics of the thing are virtually's a rental, HS is way too short, it has the best graphics of the bunch, and the gameplay is the best...length kills it...great rental, decent buy.Andrew_Xavier
I beg to differ here, buddy.
DMC1-2 have the same gameplay, but it was modified for DMC3 for better. Now DMC4 having the same gameplay as DMC3 is not a bad thing.
Back on topic: I own NGS and DMC4, so I can recommend those as good action titles.
[QUOTE="Andrew_Xavier"]Sigma is the only one I'd buy from that list, dmc3...4...1...??? Couldn't tell, gameplay was not changed, it was just the same old, nothing innovative, did what many complain about sports games doing, and that's adding a fresh coat of paint, and calling it new, when the central mechanics of the thing are virtually's a rental, HS is way too short, it has the best graphics of the bunch, and the gameplay is the best...length kills it...great rental, decent buy.GreenGoblin2099
I beg to differ here, buddy.
DMC1-2 have the same gameplay, but it was modified for DMC3 for better. Now DMC4 having the same gameplay as DMC3 is not a bad thing.
Back on topic: I own NGS and DMC4, so I can recommend those as good action titles.
Plus Nero has different gameplay than Dante. And just being able to switch styles on the fly adds quite a bit of extra depth.
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