You cannot return your PSP over dead or stuck pixels... it's stated in the manuals, they tell you that they try to check, they produce the screens under very tight quality control, but these things happen, and statistically you're quite possibly going to get another one and it'll have the same thing going on.
My new Daxter model, purchased a few days ago, seems to be devoid of defects *knockin' wood* but if you try to return the PSP based on a dead pixel you're going to be turned away - Claim another defect, a bad button that happens intermitently (not all the time)... something that's difficult to check by the store clerk but "bad" enough that they'll honor your warranty.
I'm not a liar and a cheating consumer, I just play one on TV. Dishonesty generally is NOT a good thing, and not the way to go... please try to keep that in mind as you lie you balloon knot off to get yourself a new PSP. Just this once, ok? OK.
Hope that helps!
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