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what do you mean by that, i already have a wpa password or something like that on this one and when i try to do custom settings it says that when it does the connection test that it cannot find the ip address so i typed it is and then the access point thing again, like i am seriously stumped, do i need to buy something else or what like i have no idea?
does your router have the WEP security thing on it?
edit- did you put the password on your ps3's connection settings? like when you set it up, did you type it in anywhere?
yea but mine is like a wpa/wpa2 or something? nad yea i typed it in. and when i test the connection it says obtaining ip adress and thhen failed? so i typed in the ip adress and same thing happens? like i am soo confused.
Seems like the router is somehow blocking your PS3 from accessing. Might wanna check the security settings on your router..Amsterdamned
and where would i find the security settings under for it? i have xp and yea d-link thinger soo yea whereabouts would i find them?
The most likely cause of your problem is that your router doesn't have the correct ports open. I do my online gaming with my PS3 wirelessly as well and I had a hell of a time figuring it out. What you need to do is set up your PS3 as a " DMZ " this will in effect open all ports so that all the diff games / sony's updating crap can access your system.
If your 9 years old and don't know the difference between the positive and the negative side of a battery stop reading now and go buy a wii, cause this is slightly technical.
To set your PS3 as DMZ get on your desktop / laptop and type in ( in your Internet Browser IE / Firefox w/e ) This is how you access your router settings. It will prompt you for a user name and password. The default for these are normally...
User: admin
Password: password
If these don't work I suggest contacting your ISP to figure out what they are.
K, now that your at your router page you should see a little link on the left side of the screen that says WAN Setup ( I am using a Netgear router so it might look diff if you have a different kind. ) Once you click that you will get a screen with lots of goodies on there. What you wanna do is check the box that says: Default DMZ Server. Then you have to type in your PS3's IP address ( I hope I lost all the kids by now lol )
NOTE: if you don't see the WAN Setup link just google the name of your router and DMZ and it should show you how to access it.
You can find out what your PS3's IP is by going into your XMB and looking in network setting / info and scrolling down a ways.
Type your PS3's IP in for the default DMZ server and apply your changes. Restart everything and you should be good to go. It fixed all my issues btw.
P.S. It is really easy to screw up your router if you start mucking around in the settings w/ no clue what your doing. The steps I wrote out above are just what worked for me. Also do NOT set your PC / laptop as the default DMZ as this will leave you wide open to lots of nasty viruses / trojans / evilness.
P.S.S. Your PS3's IP address must be static for this to work. I am pretty sure it defaults to using a static IP so it shouldn't be an issue for most of you.
Hope this helps some of you out =D
PLz im sooo desperate:(:(:(:(:(:(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!emerica_skater7
Well, I had no clue how to install my router, so I had the Geeksquad drop by and do it for me. The same thing happened with me like the 2nd day that i had it. They told me that if it isnt giving out a signal, it could still be in test mode. See if it is, and if it is, unplug your router, and plug it back in.
Go into your xmb then go settings > Network Settings > settings and connection status list and scroll down it should say right there. If there is nothing there then your router hasn't found your ps3. are you sure your router is wireless ? are you sure you have the wireless version of the PS3 ? ( as far as i know only the 60 gig one supports wireless )Reisling
it cannot connect and obtain the IP address
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