The most I've done is like 4 or 5 at one time, but not like seriously into them. Sometimes I like to take a break from a game and play another one for a couple hours even though it's not on my "official" playlist.
I'm rotating between 3 PS3 games right now although I'm just about ready to call it quits on one of them. Star Ocean has just become abysmal. It's honestly one of the worst RPGs I have played. Dead serious. I can't believe I've invested 40 hours into this game. The characters are lifeless, the visuals terrible, sidequests boring, item creation system is expansive but just too complicated, and it's just yawn-inducing. Cutscenes are lifeless, boring, and long. The only redeeming factor is the battle system, but even that gets to be tedious after awhile. Ugh.
Basically my post turned into a rant about Star Ocean. Sowwies.
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