Hey i was just thinking since resistance 2 got a good review which im pleased about! because i wasnt expecting such a high score. Do you think there will be alot of conflict between resistance 2 and gears 2? because if resistance 2 gets a higher score i can see people arguing and posting threads causing unessasary arguments what do you think?
Hey i was just thinking since resistance 2 got a good review which im pleased about! because i wasnt expecting such a high score. Do you think there will be alot of conflict between resistance 2 and gears 2? because if resistance 2 gets a higher score i can see people arguing and posting threads causing unessasary arguments what do you think?rocketspecial
They are different games, so I don't see the point on comparing them. Seriously, a R2 vs Halo 3 would make more sense...
And I don't really care. Both games look like great games. Those than can play both games, looks like they can enjoy both... And those who can't, they will still get an awesome game for the console of their choice.
It's ironic that you asked that last question but look at this topic. Both games should do well. I have both systems so I plan on getting both but as stated above, the games are different. I would consider resistance more of a running shooting game while gears is a little more ducking and weaving game. Sure you can interchange them. Fanboys will obviously say their game is better but I would consider them equally entertaining.
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