- cars,airplanes,motorcycles,vans,trucks,buses,trains,and boats
- play games saved on your PS3 with the virtual PSP
- not a town,not a city,but a whole world to explore
- pets
- hotels
- restarunts
- skis,snowboards,sleds,bikes,roller skates and skate boards
- jobs
- a computer with every playstation site on it
- "sony dollars"(dollars) and "playstation bucks"(coins)
- concerts and bands
- schools(just for the fun of it)
- a Home forum
- a PS2 to play all downloaded demos and games
- a way to sell furniture and clothes
- police(anything can happen)
- costumes
- superstores(like J-mart or something)
- gas stations(of course,for the cars)
- seasons(depending on where you are)
- plays
- paid,advretised actors(paid via sony dollars/playstation bucks and advertised via billboards,Tvs and radios.)
- raidios
- local Tvs
- and xbox bashing contest :twisted: :roll:
                                Anyone have any other ideas?
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