Like if I try to download 20 different demos at once and click download in background do they all keep downloading at once or one at a time, in the order I clicked them? I wish there were a way to check the status of the download but you kind of just have to wait and see. Iv e noticed that if you start playing a game it'll stop downloading but can you do anything else? Like, can you watch Netflix? Or do you have to leave it in the Playsation store or on the main menu? If it does stop downloading, for whatever reason, do you have to start all over again or is there any way to start were it left off? Does downloading a bunch of things at once slow the process down?
Thanks for any questions you might be able to answer.
Heh, that was a slew of questions but here are the answers, in my experience (sorry to Vesin for some repeats to their answer):Downloads are one at a time, in the order you start them (although you can change this by pausing one at a time until the one you want is next in line. Starting them again will not interupt the current download)
In my experience, lately starting a game, even single player, will interupt a download. Depends on the game. No idea about netflix (sorry).Don't have an account
So long as nothing is currently interrupting the downloading (like a game, see previous answer), downlaods resume automatically when you are signed in. If you are at the cross media bar (what i assume you mean by "main menu". This would be the menu you see whether or not you are signed in to the network. Where you select game, movie, music, etc.) then it will resume downloading on its own
Finally, since it downloads them one at a time, it should not affect the speed of the download. I've never noticed a difference at least. Hope the helps. :)
edit: when I said "signed into the network", i meant that so long as your account is signed in. You don't need to be in the market place menu. Simply so long as you can see your friends who are, or are not, signed in. It's also of note, that some movies, with network access, have interrupted my downloads. Not sure why, but I've noticed this in rare occurences.
edit the second: first edit removed my line breaks. Problem solved
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