I've just gotten my PSP back after about 6 or 7 months of not having it, let my sister borrow it, and I've started back up playing PSP games.
Personally, I enjoy the complexity and fun of MHFU, but I just got MotorStorm Arctic Edge and am going through the single player of that. So far, finished every race in first.
So who here uses XLink Kai for their Ad Hoc online gaming?
For those who don't know what XLink Kai is, it is a program that tunnels, forwards, your Ad Hoc games to the internet and through the use of a graphical interface you can connect to other players online. For example, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is a Ad Hoc only game so you can't play it online, but with XLink Kai you can connect your PSP to the internet while in Ad Hoc and connect to other people playing the same game as you.
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