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what kind of things you got in the ps3 hardrive
I have a ton of movies and videos on my PS3. Along with a good amount of MP3s. I use Easy File Web Sharing Server to download any of the files from my PC to my PS3. Awesome program, you can get it on Red Kawa is good too but this one is better in my opinion. Its really handy if you have a wireless router. Red Kawa is good too but this one is better in my opinion. Its really easy to use also but if you come accross any problems PM and I'll try to get back to you asap. ;)
I've got 22GB left, probably fill it up pretty quickly. Thinking of buying a external hard drive. Just curious where everyone else is at.Handin19 gig left. You have to consider if all these games have content to load to your hdd like 4 gigs 4 oblivion, it won't take that long for even a 60 gig owner (majority) to fill up a hdd. I've got 4 games with data, 21 or 22 demos/games/PSN content, 84 video clips (many HD), 163 songs, and 18 pictures. That doesn't include all the content that i've been saving to my 5 gigs of flash drives. It's too bad that I can't use my 250 gig drive via USB, which doesn't work probably because it is connected to an external power supply. Someone should post a thread for cheap HDD that can be used on the ps3. At least were luckier than 360 owners that we can easily upgrade our hdd to something over 20 gig without voiding our warranty, although the 120 gig elite is coming out soon. P.S. If you have a 20 gig ps3 please put that in your reply just for clarification.
117 gigs left. I bought a 160 gig HDD in december. it was only a $100 on eBay.immikeulateHow much/what kind of content do you have on it that you take up over 40 gigs for? Edit: didn't realize that it wasn't really that much more (2 gig) in comparison to myself, just the number made it seem much greater.
have a good 35gb left but i constaly delete and add so it wohn't be a problem for me (Ps my computer has lees hard drive space then my PS3 [40gb total on comp and 60gb total on PS3] so i got used to it
have a good 35gb left but i constaly delete and add so it wohn't be a problem for me (Ps my computer has lees hard drive space then my PS3 [40gb total on comp and 60gb total on PS3] so i got used to it
Wouldn't it be so much better if the PS3 could stream music, video and pics? I don't see how you guys are satisfied with transferring everything to the PS3 drive since it's probably already on your PC.
have a good 35gb left but i constaly delete and add so it wohn't be a problem for me (Ps my computer has lees hard drive space then my PS3 [40gb total on comp and 60gb total on PS3] so i got used to it
I don't see how you could have only 40GB, my computer has 370GB(2 HDDs) and I'm about to buy another.
27GB left on PS3, I have a few demos, and oblivion, the rest is all music.
44GB or somthing
ive got 20 or somthing albums 20 videos or somthin most of the demoes out there
but ive also got an external 160gb hardrive connected with films and stuff on
[QUOTE="helloeverybody1"]have a good 35gb left but i constaly delete and add so it wohn't be a problem for me (Ps my computer has lees hard drive space then my PS3 [40gb total on comp and 60gb total on PS3] so i got used to it
Wouldn't it be so much better if the PS3 could stream music, video and pics? I don't see how you guys are satisfied with transferring everything to the PS3 drive since it's probably already on your PC.
I like to store stuff on the memory because that makes it independent.
I've got 45gigs left, I have a few demos, the GTA IV HD Trailer, PS1 and PS2 virtual memory card slots, and Resistance Fall Of Man on my PS3. I'm going to upgrade to a 200 or 300GB hard drive soon
PSN ID - ImpurePhoen1x
how can u tell how many you got left?
Go to the playstation store and download any trailer. Where it tells you to select the destination, you will see how much free space is availible. There are other ways of finding out, but thats just one on top of my head.
[QUOTE="RENE2315"]what kind of things you got in the ps3 hardrive
I have a ton of movies and videos on my PS3. Along with a good amount of MP3s. I use Easy File Web Sharing Server to download any of the files from my PC to my PS3. Awesome program, you can get it on Red Kawa is good too but this one is better in my opinion. Its really handy if you have a wireless router. Red Kawa is good too but this one is better in my opinion. Its really easy to use also but if you come accross any problems PM and I'll try to get back to you asap. ;)
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