I don't do it often, only ever gave 2 games 10/10. Unreal tournament 2004 and Assassins Creed 2.
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I have only given 3 games a 10
Half Life
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 4
Although I do feel like im going to give Mass Effect 2 a 10, Im about half way through and Im already giving it a 9.5
I don't do it often, only ever gave 2 games 10/10. Unreal tournament 2004 and Assassins Creed 2.
haha well I have never actually rated games on a site or anythign but I tend to rate games in my mind quite often lol. hmmm games that I would give a 10 would have to be
LoZ: OoT
Super Metroid
Super Mario 64
Diablo II (for sheer replayability. It is NUTS how many hours I have put into that game. No game even comes close)
and there are SOME others that MIGHT make a 10 for me but probably just shy:
Uncharted 2
Metroid Prime 1
Mario Kart DS
Paper Mario
and others
It is hard to remember all the games I have played and not only that but I also look back at games now and judge them differently then when they came out. I try not to say a game is a 10 without justification but I also don't like when people never give out 10's.
By the way you would give AC2 a 10? I own AC1 but have not played 2, I was thinking of buying it, I guess you would recommend I pick it up eh? :P
For the PS3, I have one 10.
For the Wii, I have one 10.
For the XBox360, I currently have zero 10's though I am currently playing a game that has 10 potential... so this could change in a few weeks.
For the PS2, I have 2 10's.
For the PSone, I have multiple (over 5) 10's.
For the N64, I have one... maybe two 10's.
For the SNES, I have multiple (over 5) 10's.
For the NES, I have multiple (about 5) 10's.
For the PC, I have zero 10's. (Sorry, I haven't found one yet.)
For the PSP, I have zero 10's.
For the Gamecube, I have zero 10's.
For the GameBoy, I have zero 10's.
I never had a XBox, so I don't know how many 10's I would have scored for that system.
I don't giivee many games 10 just the entire Zelda series, The World Ends With You and Assassins Creed 2 :P
I don't do it often, only ever gave 2 games 10/10. Unreal tournament 2004 and Assassins Creed 2.
haha well I have never actually rated games on a site or anythign but I tend to rate games in my mind quite often lol. hmmm games that I would give a 10 would have to be
LoZ: OoT
Super Metroid
Super Mario 64
Diablo II (for sheer replayability. It is NUTS how many hours I have put into that game. No game even comes close)
and there are SOME others that MIGHT make a 10 for me but probably just shy:
Uncharted 2
Metroid Prime 1
Mario Kart DS
Paper Mario
and others
It is hard to remember all the games I have played and not only that but I also look back at games now and judge them differently then when they came out. I try not to say a game is a 10 without justification but I also don't like when people never give out 10's.
By the way you would give AC2 a 10? I own AC1 but have not played 2, I was thinking of buying it, I guess you would recommend I pick it up eh? :P
yes definately! AC2 is one of the best games out there!
I haven't given any game a 10 because I havent played a game that was unbelievably awesome and fun, but wasn't flawed in some major way. I expect OoT would get a 10 If I owned or played it.
When the game 100% deserves it. Speaking of scoring, I have to go back to reviewing games on gamespot because I haven't reviewed anything in awhile. Lol....I have to start from Uncharted 2 up. I am pretty sure I only scored a 10 on one game this gen.
3 games.
all three games got a ten from me because of their stories.
Indigo Prophecy AKA Fahrenheit
I will score a game a straight 10, if it has an amazing story line, if it really drags you into it's story like: Metal Gear Solid 4 and Uncharted 2. Those games for me deserve 10/10.
never have and never well. i own all console and have over 2500 games total for all the system. nothing in this world deserves a perfect score because no game or person is pefect!!!! but there are alot of great games out there.
On my "personal" list, I've given 3 games a 10 all my life. There are a lot of 9.8 and 9.9 as well, but since GameSpot's rating system works by 0.5 increments, I might have about 10 games in my life that scored 10.
The 3 "real" 10/10 games would be Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4.
Closest this gen are 9.8 (Bioshock, SMG and Batman : Arkham Asylum)
Final Fantasy X is probably my only 10. To me it was perfect: presenetation, story, the musical composition, the characters, the battle system, it had everything. The best character progression, fantastic sub-game Blitzball (not calling it a minigame cause it's huge.) Just a phenomenal game.
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