Not sure if any of you are as paranoid as me about data loss but, in the 15 years I've worked in IT, I've seen enough hard drives fail for no reason that I keep as many backups as I can! Anyway I've recently backup up both my Xbox 360 and PS3 drives and found it wasn't as straight forward as I thought it would I thought I'd share this guide.
This is an excerpt from my blog, if interested please read the full article here and leave comments.
EDIT : If you want an Xbox 360 Backup procedure click here
What you'll need:
- 1 x PC or Laptop, any OS or capacity is fine
- 1 x external hard drive (AC powered, not USB powered)
This is an easy backupto do. First you may need to setup your external drive though. If you think your drive is ok skip ahead to the backup procedure.
- Plug the external drive into your PC
If you're using a Mac OS:
- Launch Disk Utility
- Click the external drive on the left hand side
- Click the partition button at the top
- Select your volume scheme (1 partition, 2 partitions, etc.) on the left
- Change the names, volume sizes, etc. and, when done, click Apply
If you'reusing a Windows OS:
- Open Computer Management (Start > Run > compmgmt.msc)
- Click Disk Management on the left side
- Identify your external hard drive.
NOTE : It is vital you perform the following actions on your external hard disk drive only. If you do it on a system disc you will probably be unable to easily restart windows. - Create a new volume and partition by right clicking the drive and selecting the appropriate option.
NOTE : It is advised you create the partition slightly larger than your PS3 drive. So, if you have an 80gb unit make the partition size 100gb. Do not make any partition larger than 1tB or this process will not work. - Take note of the drive letter that the system assigns the drive.
- When prompted to format the drive choose to leave it unformatted.
- Download and install the HP USB Disk Storage Tool (
- Double click the "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool" icon on your desktop. If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7 you will need to right click this icon and select "Run as administrator"
- Select the drive identified in step 5 above.
- Ensure the file system is FAT32
- Give the drive a label if you like (e.g. PS3_Backup in the below example)
- Tick Quick Format and pressStart
EDIT : I've received messages from people getting a write protected error here. If you get this ensure you have closed the computer management snap-in we opened in step 1.
NOTE : For those who do not wish to install software you can open a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd) and typeformat /FS:FAT32 Z: to format the disk (where Z: is the drive letter assigned to your external drive). This is very slow and restriced to 32gb partitions however.
You now have an external hard drive formatted for use with your PS3. Now it's time to perform the backup.
- Plug the external hard disk into your PS3
- Navigate to Settings > System Settings > Backup Utility
- Select Back Up
- Select Yes when prompted
- You should now see your external hard drive. If you did not complete the above steps correctly (or you're using a USB powered drive) you will get a "no disks detected" error message. Select the drive and press X
- The backup will now commence. It's a very slow process so don't be alarmed if it takes anywhere from 30 minutes up to backup a small amount of data.
- When complete you will see a "Back up completed" message on screen.
If you ever lose your hard disk you can now easily restore the data and recover some of your hard work.
EDIT : Modified to use HP USB Disk Storage Tool instead of SwissKnife due to compatability issues for some users. Also added Mac instructions.
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