Okay first of all you have to make sure your tv has full HD 1080 support and if it does, well then unfortunately not all the games play on 1080 about almost all the games on ps3 play on 720p so i hope this helps.
so you cant upscale the resolution? it doesnt really matter because its just "stretching" the picture, but i dont like it when my tv has to repeatedly change resolutions on the same console. Thanks for your help though.
The best thing is use the native resolution of the media your playing. When I play PS2 games some of them will be displayed in 480p and they look very nice, although some will be displayed in 1080i. There are times that the 480p actually looks better than the 1080i.
The big thing is the 1080p is really not supported yet to the point that the 720p and 1080i resolutions are.
i set my console resolution to 1080p and it works fine, but whenever i play a game it switches back to 720p. can anyone help me out? Crucifier
if your playing a game like COD4 or GTA4 or any game that supports 1080p Go in to your resolution settings un check everything except 1080P(usually 480P wont let you like my tv since thats my lowest setting i can go) then when you fire it up it will only do 1080p. now if the game you play doesnt support it then might not look as good as native if you go back to 720p but this is how to keep it from going back down to 720p when you want it to stay at 1080p. hope that helps you out
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