There are so many good games coming out for both platforms it's amazing. This is going to be the biggest year in video game history(psychcreation of mario, zelda, pacman i don't think so)if all the games keep there release dates. Which they most likely won't. a killed dream.:?
Just in case you didnt' know
KillZone 3 (I'll probably wait a couple months before I get it.)
Battlefield 3 has been confirmed for Q4 but i doubt it.
Uncharted 3 definite must have 1st day
Resistance 3 I'm on the fence about this one. I liked the Resistance 2 single campaign.
All The Trilogies
LA Noire
SOCOM 4 I'm on the fence with this one as well
Spec Ops: The Line I can't wait for this one
Homefront looks great
Metal Gear Solid Rising I might not get it this year
Ratchet & Clank All 4 0ne I don't recall ever playing any of these games.
Max Payne 3 if it does keep date this time I'll most likely get it at the top of my list
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Yakuza 4 I am not going to let anyone talk me out of this game. These games look awesome.:P
Mortal Kombat
Knights of Amalur
Maybe we will get another Sims game as well I didn't get 3 for PS3 because I already have it for PC. Avoided that Hassle.
No Grand Theft Auto 5 has been confirmed. But I have a feeling we might get surprised. ( I am on my way to gamestop to go get the complete edition of gtaiv):D
And then we have our sport games that are released annually. I might try madden this year.
So is 2011 going to be awesome or what. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I didn't expect all of these games to come out this year and unfortunately they all won't.:cry:
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