I got: HAZE, Army of Two, and Blacksite. Shouldn't have as i have better games to play.
Instant imtpressions on Haze are: the characters are annoying and sound like something out of southpark without the fun bits.
Gameplay is boring but i did play the demo. driving the car in level 2 is bad.
the cutscenes are made worse thanks to how good metal gear solid does it.
Instant impressions on Army of 2: well the two main guys could have joined the faction in Haze as they too are generic idiots who like to hit each other for fun. I may be a total noob but at one point in the "tutuorial" i got stuck not knowing what to do. you shoot your gun and sneak up on someone then there is a gate which is not open and i don't know who to do. so i turned it off.
Blacksite is the worst i think. graphics looked ok on the xbox 360 demo a long time ago. played a good bit of the first mission. But in all honesty there is no point in playing it.
Quake wars is terrible beyond what you might imagine.
So i think i will be getting ripped off again when i trade them all for something else. anys suggestions. I have Metal Gear Solid, Grid and GTA IV. I also had Call OF duty 4, Unreal 3, GT 5.
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