I am now very mad, why? Because I am trying to make this stupid level, but I cant... I have tried 3 times to make it
1st time: I almost finished, I was very very close to finishing, and then my game froze when I tried to "rewind". I wasn't able to save because my profile was too large. I was going to delete a whole bunch of community level items when I finished, but... too late..
2nd time: I got about a quarter of it done, saved, and went to bed. The next day at about half way done, I decided to save. I pressed the start button and the menu popped up, and then my game froze. I recently saved about 5 minutes before my game froze so i thought "meh I didnt lose much" But when I reloaded my level, it had me back to the point where I saved the night before when I went to bed... So I lost a good couple hours, even though I saved several times.
3rd time: I was going to make sure that I would not lose any data. About every 5-10 minutes I would save twice. Once with "Save as..." and again with just "Save". I got about 1/3 done when my game froze... I literally saved RIGHT before my game froze (doing the save as... and save combo) So I thought that I lost NOTHING. But when I reloaded my level, it had me back to the point when I saved that one night... again...
What is going on here?... I already deleted all of my community level items, and I do not get the "Your profile is too large" message anymore... Why is my game not saving? And also why is my game freezing so much... I am only playing it for about 1-3 hours before it freezes.
I honestly think that the game is trying to tell me that this level was not meant to be created
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