I picked this up last week for $2.50 as part of Blockbuster's crazy blowout sale (also got Tools of Destruction for the same price, and Bioshock, and a few others). I remember it getting a ton of praise on launch, and even now going back and skimming reviews it seems as if it was universally adored. I vaguely remember playing it for an hour or so back when it came out.
But am I alone in thinking the game is wretched? Or am I just missing something?
The framerate is one of the most inconsistent I've ever seen in a PS3 game - it's arguably even worse than Bayonetta was pre-patch, and that was a massive embarassment compared to its 360 counterpart. Granted, Heavenly Sword came out three years ago and had basically no competition, but MAN. The combat is also all button mashing, and makes God of War look like a bloody Ninja Gaiden in terms of combat complexity. And I don't even want to get into the sixaxis aiming of arrows (which is one notch below the awfulsixaxis hand jerking in Folklore).
I don't care that the game lacks trophies, I don't care that the main character's hair moves in an incredibly disturbing way or looks like a manniquin composite of Keira Knightly and Angelina Jolie, it's just thecombination of erratic framerate and dumbed down combat and I'm having a hard time understanding why this game is so praised. Is my PS3 just on its way out and that's why the framerate is so horrible? Someone tell me that's the case.
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