has yet to totally wrap me into that great feeling you get from playing a kick a$$ game from the morning to midnight and not even realizing it
Im 18 years old and I have been playing video games since super mario bros 2 and nanosaur (earliest games I could remember)
I remember going to the game store and paying a good price for a game and knowing that it will have me in awe and i could sit and play it passing the controller to friends trying to pass a certain part. Like medieval on ps1 or san andreas on ps2
You pay $60 for a game now and once you pop it in after 5 minutes you regret it thats why I rentALOT of games because I think by now gaming should be on a whole another levelbut insteadgames are missing so much and while some games have improved they lack that powerful delay I am looking for.
cool Games could take abouta month to beat or just have that strong replay valuenow theyredone in 2 days or you just dont even feel like finishing the game.
Its embarassing but if you look at alot of titles that have been released so far very few where excellent games
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