I've never played any of the previous games in the series, but I just completed MGS4, and am currently unable to think of anything BUT this amazing game. Out of every game I've EVER played, this is the only one that I feel truly deserves a 10. Unlike GTAIV, unlike Halo 3, unlike Bioshock this is not not overated.]
The characters have depth. The cutscenes burst with amazing direction, action, artistry and dialogue. The gameplay is extremely well crafted as each level is designed around both stealth and action oriented gameplay designed to allow you to play how you choose. The whole concept of sneaking through a battlefield is implemented extremely well, especially during the first two acts, and these moments are unadulterated epic. Everything reeks with the excitment of $200,000 budget movie. But the game picks up so much emotional weight throughout the course that in my opinion it's cutscenes are better than any film released in years.
The final act is so damn well done, from the emotionally raging and action packed climax *spolilers kind of* to the cliched, but awesomely done final showdown *end spoilers*. The music that plays during these epic moments really brings the mood of sorrow, and just plain epic into the game. Everything about MGS4 deserves a 10 to be honest and I can't stress enough how everyone needs to experience this masterpiece of a game. This stuff makes the PS3 worth the whole damn $500 purchase (I own a 360 as well) and it freaking blows Halo off the planet. Congratulations Hideo, for truly creating a masterpiece of a game, and in my eyes the best game ever made.
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