It taken me 11 days to beat the game....*phew* not bad....but i do feel a little hard broken that I beat the game so quick...
(BTW Im not lying...look me up on PSN on my trophy list). I do kinda feel as if I did burn the 70.00 out my pockets the hot acid
but I was so addicted to the game it wasn't funny. I beaten the game on level 80. But Im not going to screw everything up for everyone
about the ending of the game and all im going to say is that you can have a Infamous moment. Basically a Choice. But other than that
im going to let everyone enjoy the game and handle everything on their own but, the game is the most challenging game on the PS3 I think
so far....but I call it monster hunter on PS3 with steriods....but i have a word of advice for all Demons Souls players....
Advice: The game is a RPG soo...anytime you think you are getting a whooping of crap just go kill a good 100 demons or so and level up your souls.
and of course, doing a few side missions wont fighing the old king doran...he basically gives you the strongest weapon in the game only if your bad body to put up a fight...if you want to kill go ahead but, he will be a bit quicker...i decided not to but im going to on my New game plus.
And yes when you beat the game there is new game plus ^_^....but the enemies are a bit stonger...^_^ (-__-)
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