After having quite a few games in the 90% range I finally got 100% on my first...
so how many games have you platinumed?
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Wow im impressed. I have 0.... yes I know. Im tempted to move fully onto the Xbox 360 as I seem to do better on that :)
I just recently started playing my PS3 like a month or so ago so only 10ish but almost have the MK and Duke Nukem platinum as well as a few others.
I love trophys but I don't think I'll ever Plat any game retail game, maybe arcade yes due to the trophy's being much easier. Just don't have the patients they ask for sme of these trophys they put into the game. I try to get all Bronze, Silver and Gold I can get though
15, and I hope I can hit 20 by the end of this year. Currently working on Demon's Souls but I dunno if I can get it as I can't stand playing the game.
Congrats on your first plat!
ive platinumed 3 games
Infamous, smackdown vs. raw 2010, and Just cause 2
im also working on sonics genesis collection and Batman Arkham Asylum. honestly though, i think i will probably quit soon im WAY ahead of all my friends, so its kind of become pointless.
I got my first Platinum a few months ago... I'm very close to getting my second, I just haven't had a lot of time to play lately because we're getting ready to move, and the PS3 is packed away right now.
Quit about two years ago my last platinum was Demon's soul I think. FightingfanHOLY S**! You're hardcore!
Edit: I only got one. God of War 3.
But i only got the plat because i removed the patches and did the infinite health glitch, so i could beat Titan mode :P
HOLY S**! You're hardcore![QUOTE="Fightingfan"] Quit about two years ago my last platinum was Demon's soul I think. lasseeb
Edit: I only got one. God of War 3.
But i only got the plat because i removed the patches and did the infinite health glitch, so i could beat Titan mode :P
Holy crap. Ive put over an hour into demon souls and cant get past the first level!
HOLY S**! You're hardcore![QUOTE="Fightingfan"] Quit about two years ago my last platinum was Demon's soul I think. lasseeb
Edit: I only got one. God of War 3.
But i only got the plat because i removed the patches and did the infinite health glitch, so i could beat Titan mode :P
There was an infinite health glitch in GoW3?:?
I just got my first platinum trophy a couple of weeks ago. Heavy Rain. But I'm not sure I will be able to get anymore unless I really, really like a game or it is just really easy. I just don't have the patience.
I don't know how those of you that have so many platinum trophies do it.
I only have 1 platinum. It's for Assassin's Creed 2. I am now trying to hit the 1000 trophies mark. So far I have 982 trophies.
Congrats on the platinum. You find that you feel much better once you've finally gotten a plat.
By the way... The Big Bang Theory is AWESOME!
I hit the 1000 trophy mark on the plat so it was a win win for me...and ya feels like a little weight off my shoulders that I finally got a plat :]I only have 1 platinum. It's for Assassin's Creed 2. I am now trying to hit the 1000 trophies mark. So far I have 982 trophies.
Congrats on the platinum. You find that you feel much better once you've finally gotten a plat.
By the way... The Big Bang Theory is AWESOME!
wow some of u guys are serious, especially demon's souls plat lol i think i would kill myself. i think im gonna try and get a plat though, probably AC2.
I have played 23 games and i have 20 platinums. The 3 plat's i don't have are Dead Space 2 which is one hardcore trophy from plat and Dead Nation which i haven't really played much at all and RDR which i was never even entertaining the idea of getting due to so much MP stuff.
The idea of playing something and NOT getting a plat really never comes up sans RDR which i may eventually get anyway if servers are still up whenever i bother trying.
I have only got the easy plats so far (Uncharted 1 and 2, Trine and GOW 3). The next one I will probably get is Dead Nation. i thought I would be able to get Vanquish easily but I am stuck on the last trophy as I cannot beat any of the trials!
I really want the Wipeout plat but its just too hard, although I am quite close.
I just have two: Fallout 3 and Borderlands. If I ever beat Mass Effect 2 on Insanity that will make it three.
Alright! I went on a platinum rampage at the beginning of Summer. I had a bunch of games with a high trophy percentage and I finished up about 6 in 6 days, and then 2 more later. So I got 8 platinum trophies, and then I had 1 from last Summer! Once you get one you're on a roll, and you'll want more.
The 9 Platinums I have are from:
The Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Uncharted 2
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
Portal 2
inFamous 2
God of War III
I have 9: Assassins Creed 2, Heavy Rain, inFamous, Ratchet & Clank: ACiT, Uncharted 2, Enslaved, Portal 2, LA Noire and Fallout 3 (obtained in that order, AC2 being the first). I hope ill be able to platinum New Vegas for my tenth plat (im missing only a few more trophies).
Nine. If I really like a game, a single playthrough just leaves me wanting more. I don't feel like I've fully experienced everything the game has to offer until I've platinumed it. And you'll often find stuff that's really cool and fun that you would never have known about if you were just running through the story with no regard for trophies.
4. Dead Space, God of War 3, Infamous 2, and Uncharted 2. Currently working on Mass Effect 2, Dead Space 2 (Just need the freaking hard core trophy), and Portal 2 and wow that's a lot of 2s.
Red Dead Redemption.
Uncharted: DF.
Lego Harry Potter.
I'm a couple of hours away from Dragon Age: Origins plat which will be nice! Congrats on your plat TC, what was it?
Red Dead Redemption.
Uncharted: DF.
Lego Harry Potter.
I'm a couple of hours away from Dragon Age: Origins plat which will be nice! Congrats on your plat TC, what was it?
I hear Vanquish is extremely hard, I have yet to try it yet, but I hear that challenge 6 is like borderline impossible. Nice job.:)
Red Dead Redemption.
Uncharted: DF.
Lego Harry Potter.
I'm a couple of hours away from Dragon Age: Origins plat which will be nice! Congrats on your plat TC, what was it?
I hear Vanquish is extremely hard, I have yet to try it yet, but I hear that challenge 6 is like borderline impossible. Nice job.:)
Thanks man :) It's a weird one, the majority of the trophies are a walk in the park, but yeah challenge 6 is horrible, really really horrible :P When I completed it, there were only 728 people (excluding offline, but who the hell is offline) who had done it globally >.< lol. You ought to give it a try though, it's a blast when you've done it. With it being my first platinum too, it felt excellent XD
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