1) Why do people moan about the default controls? I was able to master them after 5 minutes of online play.
2) Is there a profanity filter? The campaign seems over saturated with swearing, it lessens the impact of hearing a curse word, gets cheesey, and is used unprofessionally unlike in MGS4 where they said f$#@ a single time in an extremely appropriate and effective manner. Though I have to admit it makes the game feel manly and all chest-hair-like unlike some other generic and unnamed FPS where you run around in power ranger costumes.
3) When will the assault class be nerfed? Double health? Double speed? Health regen? Two types of rocket launchers? Last night I got the most kills in 6 deathmatches in a row by launching a rocket, popping a boost, then bum rushing and meleeing the survivors to death. Its obviously rigged.
4) Did only English speaking nations and peoples colonize the stars? Where's the multiculturalism?
5) (a) Is Helghan a fascist society? It seems very fascist. In the SP I overheard a couple of enemy soldier's talking about general Radec executing two grunts for 'uniform violation' and the one mumbled something about "Dress code is the foundation of discipline" in an English accent.
5) (b) Are the Helghast the descendants of English convicts who were sent to the penal colony of Helghan?
6) (a) I noticed that the Helghast soldiers are bald due to the poor atmospheric quality of their planet. Are Helghast females likewise bald?
6) (b) Do Helghast have pubic hair?
7) Why is the planet called Helghan and the people called Helghast? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
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